Saturday, March 17, 2007

Week 9, #23: Summarize thoughts about program

Hm, I have the feeling that I may have missed an exercise or two but will do this last exercise this week and go back next week to make sure I haven't missed anything.

Overall, I enjoyed this program. It was fortunate for me that it coincided with a reasonably busy rather than insanely hyper schedule. I may have resented it had I been forced to fit it in amongst way too many other responsibilities. It would be such a luxury if staff could have even just an hour a week donated specifically toward training and lifelong learning. That hour would certainly pass quickly, that's for sure!

I think the best outcome for me was Bloglines, which I now check on a daily basis. The trick to it all is to keep it simple by limiting the number of your subscribed sites. For me, this has been the ultimate challenge of all aspects of the Internet: to limit my precious time online as much as possible. With more and more valuable resources online all the time, this gets increasingly challenging! However, certain offline pursuits continue to prevail, such as reading the hard copy of the Sunday newspaper in its entirety, and curling up with a good book at home.

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

Congratulations! It has been an interesting and "learning" journey for all of us!
Virtual Services Team